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Angelic preservation

Dear Arcana circle of Light friends,
I had a wonderful awakening with a being of Light, almost ten years ago. They are working intensively on our dimension to shift perceptions and mentalities into more accepting and loving paradigms. THe burden of having to come to our dense dimension is greater, now more than before, our planet is going through many powerful destructive energies coming from the negative forces of the dark.
We like never before are experiencing many attacks from inside our lands and outside.
We need to work hard to be aware of the light and actually have time for spirituality. The angels are sharing with me that the density of worries and fears are increasing and their job is being limited by other oppositional forces. We need to work on our own enlightenment. Enlightenment of our intellect, that allows us to plan and organize the needs of everyday life. Preserving our vital energy, as it represents the fuel with which our body moves and works, sustaining the soul that animates. With growing a peaceful setting, quiet and calm essential to relax the body and mind, of intense stresses that we are subjected during the drudgery of life, and also because, for the love, since that is the protein that holds all the grandeur and purifies our existence.

Wishing you lots of calm and quiet moments during this transition.
Much love,

Rosa Crystal


A new transitional shift

Dear Arcana Circle of Light friends,

I wanted to share my thoughts about the New paradigm shift. Many speak about 2012 and cataclysms and all sort of natural disasters that might happen by the end of the year. After meditating and gaining more insights about it, I came to the conclusion that this indeed will be a difficult year in terms of finances and economy. But there is hope, we are shifting our mentalities from the previous paradigm and individualistic perspective into a more communal, collaborative perspective. The shift will be in consciousness and awareness of Mother Earth and the resources that are available to all of us.
Many are starting to shift their consciousness from their independent view of society to a more collaborative, in consequence we will see more people working together, creating vegetable and community gardens, holding hands together in order to survive. We will experience a much healthier transition towards the end of 2012, in which society as we have known will experience a shift. This shift will be spontaneous, because more people are aware of the need to be more community oriented.
I hope you enjoy this brief youtube about it.  These are the good news that i wanted to share with you.
Much love,

Rosa Crystal


My DNA Activation and my personal journey

I am proud to share my personal experiences to my soul family. I know that my soul family will  read this without judgement. It is a very personal experience that i have a hard time sharing. But like everything in life, i need to move forward in my soul evolution and share with others to inspire and to create a collective awareness. DNA activations are usually spontaneous incidents that ocurs in very potent Earth centers, and other times could be achieved with the assistance of a seer or mystic. I have been a long time student of metaphysics but most of my knowledge come to me during dreams and during my automatic writing. When I visited Peru in 2002 I had a life changing experience. I went from being a "wild child" to a "free spirit". My being inside out was transformed by the presence of this being of Light that came out of the Mountains in Macchu Picchu. This beautiful energy being has been ever since my spirit guide and protector.  I decided to create this video about my personal DNA activation and light transmission. I go through some personal insights and my bio and how this light activation changed my life. I was embraced by a being of Light and this being gave me some "angelic formulas" of restoration and healing. I will continue sharing more about my personal experience in another video. Thanks!

I wish you a pleasant weekend, love



Our attitudes and perceptions

Attitude is the foundation and support of everything we do, a key element in the process of controlling your destiny and achieving mastery in your personal and professional life. Your attitude dictates whether you are living life or life is living you. Attitude determines where you are on the way or in the way.

Many of our self-defeating beliefs have to do with our attitude perceptions.  Do you feel stuck, overlooked, unappreciated, or unfulfilled? If you answered yes to one or more of the questions, that could be you have an attitude that is holding you back. Having a bad attitude can generate a lot of stress in our personal and professional lives. Sometimes a time out to perform a mental inventory is required when we begin to experience chaos and negative stress in our life. When we identify through self awareness the attitudes that hold us back we can transform them into learning points to turn our attitude into action and regain peace and balance, success and health back into our life experience.
The ability to recognize our feelings as they come over us is called self-awareness and it is critical to our development in a highly mobile, fast changing and complex society. Self-awareness allows you to be aware of your emotions and attitudes. Knowing yourself and understanding what drives your attitude and emotions is the first step to self-knowledge and self-control. When you practice self awareness you give yourself far greater control of your actions. This control gives you options. You can decide not to react to negative emotions. Instead you can develop a positive attitude that allows you to let go of the emotion. You can also channel the energy of the negative emotion into a positive action. You have to take responsibility for your attitude and for your success whether it be on the job, relationship, family or spiritual evolution. Realizing and embodying this truth gets us out of the blame game and allows us to toss the emotional baggage.
These are the most common negative perceptions: 
1) If Only: this imprint perception has to do with the past. It is full of unfinished business, plans that went awry, hurt feelings that have not healed. If Only sounds like this if only, I'd thought before I said that, I had not had that last drink, I'd stayed in school, I'd listened to my parents, I'd taken precautionary measures, I'd spent more time with my children, I had not given in to my desires, I'd kept my mouth shut.
2) What Now: this imprint perception is packed under pressure of the present. It is heavy with stress and weighty expectations. It is packed with good news as well as bad news, however the person who carries this, chooses a negative response rather than a positive one. As a result one becomes paralyzed. This imprint perception sound like this: My spouse is unhappy, What now?, I am going to graduate with high debt. What now?, What now?, I have been downsized. What now?, I have two projects due on the same day. What now? The key to release this attitude perception is to focus on opportunities and solutions rather than on potentially negative consequences or problems.
3) What If: this imprint perception is packed with worries about the future usually focused on negative outcome. It sounds like this what if, I lose my job?, I have a health problem?, The money runs out?, I end up alone?, My spouse leaves me?, The stock market crashes?, I blow my trading account?, Global warming kills us all? When we fixate on the problems we become paralyzed.These are negative mental imprints that can be only remove with guidance counseling and other energy healing techniques.
Some bad attitudes are often the product of past life experiences and event imprints held in our energetic field and become active when we experience certain stimulus. 
The negative perceptions can be remove with guided visualizations, positive affirmations, in some cases soul retrieval and spiritual counseling. 
The negative lens perception can be cleared through the quantum energy clearings and auric clearing. Also, a  positive attitude perception begins with a clear lens through which one can see clearly.




The benefits of Cedar Nut Oil

Hello Dear Arcana Circle of Light  family,

In order to take care of our bodies mind and spirit, we need to take into consideration feeding our bodies the best way possible. I will start posting more about health related articles, and organic lifestyle living. The Arcana Circle of Light, also embrace the global healing of our planet, and sustainability. If we hold hands together we can create a perfect human habitat.
The topic for today is the Cedar Nut and its benefits. I read a lot about the Anastasia Ringing Cedars book series and I have learned so much about vegetable gardening, essential oils, sustainability and be a nature advocate. I have the opportunity to read almost every issue of the space of Love magazine and be an advocate of creating more Anastasia like communities. This will be the topic for a different article.  

The most important means of preventive treatment for  health is correct nutrition and a selection of products that assist in resisting the harmful influences of the environment. This is especially pressing for women's health. The nutritional products that enter a pregnant woman's body include the substances used to build the child's organism. Precisely these nutritional products provide the energy that enters the organism of the mother and fetus, energy that is essential to maintain their vital activity.
From ancient times,  cedar nut oil has been considered to be a delicacy, with its pleasant taste, golden amber colour, and wonderful nutty aroma. Its nutritional and medicinal properties are in great part explained by its qualitative composition of fats, proteins, and other substances. The fat of cedar nuts differs from other fats in its high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The oil of the cedar nut is the richest source of vitamins and trace elements, whose harmonious combination gives the oil medical properties that have no analogues in their beneficial influence on a woman's organism. The oil is an essential product that should be consumed in the food of people of all ages: in the food of children, for the development of their bodies; in the food of adults, for the preservation of their youth and health.
Traditional medicine considers cedar nut oil to be a storage battery of vitamins and biologically active substances ideally selected and balanced by nature itself. It does an excellent job of maintaining the health of the female genital organs and assists in the normal development of the fetus during pregnancy.

We can find the following vitamins in Cedar Nut oil,
Vitamin A (carotene) -  promotes its regeneration of reproductive organs - which is especially important in the postpartum period - and regulates the growth of the fetal organism during pregnancy.
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - promotes the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth, and is used to prevent the threat of an interruption of the pregnancy. Since it is an important catalyst of the processes of cellular respiration and visual perception, it intensifies the oxidation-reduction processes in the organism, participates in the formation of DNA, and promotes the processes of tissue regeneration (including the cells of the skin).
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - provides for the synthesis of collagen, participates in the formation and maintenance of the structure and functioning of cartilage, bones, and teeth, and influences the formation of hemoglobin and the maturation of erythrocytes.
Vitamin D (ergocalciferol, cholecalciferol) - participates in the regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism, the process of the formation of the structure of bone tissue, and is used in obstetrical practice for the prophylaxis of rickets in the fetus.
Vitamin E (tocopherol) - Vitamin E plays an indispensable role in all reproductive processes: the functioning of the sexual system, development of the fetus, the growth of the organism, and participates in the formation of milk in breastfeeding women. Its insufficiency leads to a disruption of the functions of the sexual organs, sometimes to the loss of the fetus and miscarriage.
Vitamin Bc (folic acid) - participates in the metabolism of proteins, nucleic acids, and phospholipids; it plays an important role in the development of the embryo, especially in the period of brain formation, and stimulates hemopoiesis.
This powerful nutrientimproves the processes of healing in women with acute and chronic inflammatory diseases, and in patients in the postoperative period. In women who constantly have cedar nut oil in their food allowance, chronic inflammatory diseases become aggravated by one order of magnitude less. Cedar nut oil has received widespread use in the treatment of diseases of the vesical cervix.
I would say that nature is our best preventive medicine, Mother Earth Gaia is the one who provides for us with abundance of resources and generous gifts. Let's take care of our planet and
For a very long time, cedar nut oil has been considered to be a delicacy, with its pleasant taste, golden amber colour, and wonderful nutty aroma. Its nutritional and medicinal properties are in great part explained by its qualitative composition of fats, proteins, and other substances. The fat of cedar nuts differs from other fats in its high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The oil of the cedar nut is the richest source of vitamins and trace elements, whose harmonious combination gives the oil medical properties that have no analogues in their beneficial influence on a woman's organism. The oil is an essential product that should be consumed in the food of people of all ages: in the food of children, for the development of their bodies; in the food of adults, for the preservation of their youth and health.
Modern medicine considers cedar nut oil to be a storage battery of vitamins and biologically active substances ideally selected and balanced by nature itself. It does an excellent job of maintaining the health of the female genital organs and assists in the normal development of the fetus during pregnancy:
Vitamin A (carotene) - This vitamin has an important role in body tissue repair. It has an influence on the mucous membrane of the uterus, promotes its regeneration - which is especially important in the postpartum period - and regulates the growth of the fetal organism during pregnancy.
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - promotes the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth, and is used to prevent the threat of an interruption of the pregnancy. Since it is an important catalyst of the processes of cellular respiration and visual perception, it intensifies the oxidation-reduction processes in the organism, participates in the formation of DNA, and promotes the processes of tissue regeneration (including the cells of the skin).
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - provides for the synthesis of collagen, participates in the formation and maintenance of the structure and functioning of cartilage, bones, and teeth, and influences the formation of hemoglobin and the maturation of erythrocytes. The physiological level of ascorbic acid in the organism of a pregnant woman is of great importance for the normal development of the placenta, and also for increasing the organism's resistance to infections.
Vitamin D (ergocalciferol, cholecalciferol) - participates in the regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism, the process of the formation of the structure of bone tissue, and is used in obstetrical practice for the prophylaxis of rickets in the fetus.
Vitamin E (tocopherol) - Vitamin E plays an indispensable role in all reproductive processes: the functioning of the sexual system, development of the fetus, the growth of the organism, and participates in the formation of milk in breastfeeding women. This vitamin is important for efficient circulatory system and achieving good memory.

Vitamin Bc (folic acid) - this is an energy thought food. It participates in the metabolism of proteins, nucleic acids, and phospholipids; it plays an important role in the development of the embryo, especially in the period of brain formation, and stimulates hemopoiesis.
We are all One global family, help me to create ecological awareness, let's hold hands together in the process of going back to nature, growing our own vegetables and using food as medicine.

Within nature awareness,

Rosa Crystal


About Awakening to your Path

Hello dear Arcana Circle of Light family,
I would like to define the word awakening frm my own perspective.  Awakening is a spiritual term for when one starts to put pieces together in life and find a deeper spiritual meaning and resonance in All That Is. It feels like things start to ‘click’ as you listen to your inner guidance and wisdom. Signs and synchronicities take place and you find yourself feeling more connected and closer to the truth of life, who you are, and why you are here. We see beyond the physical appearance and mask and attitudes from others and we can discover who is honest and who is not genuine or authentic. The bigger picture starts to sink in and you feel alive and enlightened by your sacred discoveries and inner knowings. Maybe you may have more spiritual experiences such as visions, visitations or lucid dreams and an instinctual feeling that something far greater than you can understand with your human mind is happening in the air so to speak. I notice, in my case an increase need to write and journal messages, I do stream of consciousness , my automatic writing with the juice of the angelic realm. By sharing my notes, i am sharing my most precious intimate belongings and personal secrets, i hope these are always appreciate and respected.  I honestly, only share what i consider most benefitial for all of us and for the greatest Good.

Your new awakened, heightened consciousness breeds a profound sense of love and appreciation for the wonders of the world. You may notice things more, and there is a perceivable sensation of something blessed blossoming and emerging within you. Others may notice the ‘light’ exuding from you and become drawn to you. You long to be surrounded by people who you can relate with. You find yourself intrigued by and more connected to the powers and mysteries of the universe and you ‘know’ that there are other realms of existance. You may feel also like there are codes to unravel and lessons to master. You really start to see that the answer to everything is ‘Love’.

We are One,
We are Love, 
Only Love is Real


~Rosa Crystal


The Law of Detachment

Arcana message of the day: The Law of Detachment

This law says that in order to acquire anything in the physical universe, you have to relinquish your attachment to it. This doesn't mean you give up the intention to create your desire. You give up your attachment to the result. This is a very powerful thing to do. The moment you relinquish your attachment to the result, combining one-pointed intention with detachment at the same time, you will have that which you desire. Anything you want can be acquired through detachment, because detachment is based on the unquestioning belief in the power of your true Self. Attachment comes from poverty consciousness, because attachment is always to symbols. Detachment is synonymous with wealth consciousness, because with detachment there is freedom to create. True wealth consciousness is the ability to have anything you want, anytime you want, and with least effort. To be grounded in this experience you have to be grounded in the wisdom of
uncertainty. In this uncertainty you will find the freedom to create anything you want.

if you are interested in working with me with this principles and law of manifesting, please check out my life coaching services 


Be happy,

Rosa Crystal


Arcana message: Creative writing

Hello Dear Arcana Light Seekers, 
I will start sharing more about my weekly inspirations and energy activation on my blog. I feel guided to share more about the current energetic frequencies of the planet and the impact in our hearts and souls.  One of the messages is to take the time to write something  that you have been thinking about, whether it is a book, journal entry, or just random thoughts. The writing process is a creative, emotional and healing experience. This cathartic release is needed. I will support you during the process.
Whatever your goals are, take them one step at a time. Do not be afraid to speak up for yourself and show who you are. It is safe for you to express your feelings, or expose your skills, talent and personality. Feel free to express yourself. You have much to say, so say it!
This is also a time to nurture and spend time with any children or pets/animals who may be around you. They benefit from your care, attention and going outside and getting some fresh air and a new perspective. Take time to play and be as a child without constraints, obligations and cares or worries. We can learn and absorb a lot from watching children and animals. 
I hope this will bring about healing, clarity and simplicity to many. Being around nature and flowers/plants this weekend will also be beneficial.

Much Love,

Rosa Crystal


Notes about the Ego

I will start posting and sharing my facebook 's notes  here so I can have a safe place and archive them.
 Peace and happiness are the antithesis of the ego. The ego cannot tolerate true happiness. The ego’s attitude toward happiness shows up in common statements such as: “I’m okay now, but I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop; the bad always comes with the good.”
The ego always has a tolerance level it sets for how much happiness it is willing for us to experience. When we reach this level, it starts bringing up thoughts or situations to sabotage our happiness. The ego does this because if we truly let go of our grievances that keep us unhappy, if we truly forgive, we will have let go of the ego entirely.
We will give it no credence because we will know with certainty that we remain in the perfect happiness that God wills for us. In this certainty, the ego simply ceases to seem to exist.
This is why the daily, moment by moment practice of bringing all disturbing, unhappy, judgmental thoughts to the Holy Spirit with willingness to receive His corrective vision is the key to true happiness. This practice undoes the ego. It is our practice for today.

~Course in Miracle


Radiant Heart creativity

Hello dear Arcana Light family,

I decided to post some of my artwork.  I made this painting almost 5 months ago, this is an expanding heart image, i use it in my healing practice to facilitate the opening of the heart. Creativity and wellness are close to my heart, I decorate my room and office with my paintings that are blessed with the angels of light. Expanding the heart facilitates forgiveness, getting rid of attachments to people and things and creates a new sense of freedom and purpose.
Some of my paintings are for sale others like this are in my private gallery, pretty soon I will post more artwork .
I wish you a lovely day,

Rosa Crystal


Healing with the Golden Ray Light

Dear Arcana Light family,

One of the most fullfilling experiences for me as a therapist is the use of quantum touch energy healing in my practice. I see wonderful results with my clients, especially those who oame to me with physical complaints and illnesses.  Life force is pure energy that is found in all living beings.  It is called Qi in China, Ki in Japan, and Prana in India.  However, it really doesn't matter what it is call; it is the same source of All That Is.  Energy.
Quantum-Touch links breathing and body awareness techniques to help people raise the vibration in their own body and hands. These are natural exercises that everyone can easily do; the ability to assist in healing is an innate gift that we already posses.
Like a tuning fork that was struck causing another tuning fork to vibrate, the person receiving the session matches the vibration of the person giving the session. The body’s own intelligence decides how the healing will take place. (quantumtouch.com)

“In its elegance, Quantum-Touch provides healing bioenergy for the healer as well as for the person seeking healing.”
~Dr. Jerry Pittman, M.D.

 As a long time student of metaphysics and a and counselor  I observe that the body alone is not able to heal itself if we don't also heal the mind and the spirit. During my training as a Past Life Healer (TM) with Doreen Virtue and teachings about angels I learned that many of our illness start with our mind and also that many past memories affect how we feel in the present life.

I developed  Healing with the Golden Ray Light (TM) as a technique that combines both quantum touch bodywork and the assistance of my beloved Angels of Light.  I believe in the purity and divine assistance of angels in healing mind, body and spirit if we ask for their assistance. They will never interfere with our free will but if we ask, they will happily come to our help; they were created to bring us joy, bliss and health.

Studies have shown that first time students of Quantum-Touch, when working on each other, will typically be relieved of 50% to 100% of each other's pain by the end of class. Not only do bones automatically align with a light touch, but also inflammation is reduced and healing is accelerated.  About a third of the class experiences some sort of emotional release, and occasionally the release is dramatic and profound.

I experienced this myself.  I experienced healing of my painful periods after receiving quantum touch from a professional colleague. I am so grateful and happy to say that I have no more painful periods or any indication of irregularities.

I will gladly work with you or your  loved ones so please email me at: the nexusshift@yahoo.com or through my website at www.rosacrystal.com

I wish you Health and Light!

Rosa Crystal


Golden Ray Angels Activation

Dear Arcana Light Seekers,
I feel guided to write about the healing power of the Golden Ray angels. These angels carry the higher frequencies of love, DNA repair and soul evolution, I frequently call upon them during my quantum healing practice and meditations. These angels are the Angels of transmutation and transformation, they change you from you past self to an improve brand new angelic human. The golden ray angel will assist you in the path of Ascension if your feel inclined to.
Man individuals talk about the dawning of the Golden Age but has no knowledge of this concept and they use it and talk about it without giving any definition of this metaphysical word. I believe we are entering a Golden age of  planetary transformation a shift of consciousness but this is possible because we are finally accepting the healing power of the angels and allowing them to be part of our daily lives. Just the concept of the Dawning of the Golden age alone means nothing if you  will not soften your heart and allow the platinum golden light rays of this angelic realm to become part of your life.  We are alone great multidimensional beings but we are complete when we merge with the Divine and the Beings of light.

I observed that many are experiencing the awakening of their Soul and the reason for their existence. The golden angels are perfectly aligned with the new Golden Era, the era of change, the 2012 evolution of the human race.  

Many lightworkers and healers, feel this strong call to be of service and to come here with specific mission to assist planet earth but they don't remember how to assist besides offering love. Not all of us have clear idea of how to carry out our mission, I did some inner work for so long by now so I am able to receive clarification about my mission and I highly recommend you to do some inner work so you can also feel secure within your own purpose, it is your path and you are the best candidate to do some soul searching from within by yourself and the assistant of the golden Ray.
We agreed to come to planet earth to fullfill this mission, we came with completely amnesia of our script and our purpose, it is part of the soul evolution to discover this once again by ourselves. I recovered part of my memory during my visitations to the Patagonia Mountains where I received my DNA activation and I recovered some part of my fragmented memory. The Golden Ray beings of Light show me with love and tender patience the next vision of how to accomplish this task. The Golden Ray beings of Light are the keepers of the sacred relics as well as they show me some of the famous religious relics ins some specific countries and cities where they are buried. Also they show me how to attuned and tap into the healing force of the golden solar energy of all that is in order to activate your chakras and facilitate your ascension.

I will post more of my trance meditation writings here and my facebook page. I attached a recent youtube i made about this topic.
I wish you a wonderful week, full of love and energy,

Rosa Crystal



Golden Ray Light awakening

Hi dear Arcana Light Seekers,

You are meant to live in a world of delight, heaven on earth, where every life is in communion with your heart and where you are aware of the life-filled consciousness that is the expression of the Universal intelligence -- yet each filled with a unique aspect of Love.

The communication  is clear if you are listening. Your heart already receives all of it, but your mind filters it out. This you already know – that the little mind has selective observation and tunes out the things it deems unimportant. I got my awakening a decade ago and I tried to filter it out, I got at that time my first light activation with the power of the Luminous beings of Light, I received messages of Love and compassion but I wasn't emotionally ready to handle it. Now after my DNA activation and light surgery  I am ready to carry out the duty to share this abundance of the Universe to All.
You are meant to live in communion with this abundance of living Love that is your world, is your environment, is the expression of your heart and it is meant to be heavenly. You are meant to communicate with the the Golden Ray angels, build with it a deep and powerful friendship that it might gift you with the awareness of the gifts that it has to give, the messages that it contains about how to live with roots deep into the richness of the Earth and branches completely awake to the Spirit.
These gifts are yours if you pay attention, if you open your heart and allow this communion with life. You are meant to experience the message of the Angels written for you across the sky as a sunset, that you might be drenched in inspiration, inspired with all the gifts of an opening vision of life expansion, of limitless possibilities.
This communion with your heart is not simple. It is deep, alive and multi-dimensional, that when you walk this world, you are completely supported in every step, surrounded by Love,  when you receive this gifts do not ignore them or claimed are product of your imagination, because are not.

Dear Seekers,  let every moment be so astoundingly full of Love that you are awed by the treasures of this magnificent life as it is born into your presence so fully alive that it nourishes you with Real life every moment.

Sending you Love & Light,

Rosa Crystal


Multidimensional Beings

Hello Arcana circle of Light Seekers,
I got inspired to talk about Beings of Light and multidimensional beings. I received some emails from some of you asking me for clarification. All beings are multi-dimensional including humans. Our problem is that we have forgotten our multi-dimensional nature and have been disconnected from much of ourselves. There are a abundant variety of multidimensional human beings out there which you will become aware of through awakening within the Divine Love. 
The other kind of multidimensional beings that I refer to are the Beings of Light who are pure, celestial and have never had a human reincarnation of human flesh. From nature spirits to angels to Extraterrestrials to huge beings maintaining the dimensions to the tiny beings in particles, there are beings everywhere, through inner work, faith and Ascension exercises, all of us are able to communicate with these celestial beings or to sense their presence.
          I have been communicating with Beings of the angelic realm for a long time,  my awakening happened a decade ago, life and other circunstances made me rejected it and ignored the messages. Lately the desire to merge and enjoy the union with these Beings have been increased.  I AM finally allowing myself to open my heart and soul to the communication, expansion and awareness that I couldn't before. I AM living a joyful life, and I feel this divine beings as part of my daily life. I usually received information telepathically other times just by knowing, i call it " inner source ".
When communicating with beings in other dimensions it is sometimes a good idea to save the translation for later. While communicating simply use the means available and wait until the end to try to put things into words. Telepathy and inter-dimensional communication is based on feelings. The reason most cannot communicate in this way is that they are not in touch with their feelings. They also communicate with me through automatic writting, i do lots of journaling and writting as well.
I Am please to receive messages from the Divine realms and of course give my guidance to anyone who needs it.

If you are interested in my guidance or just drop me a loving note, please do not hesitate to write to me at:

Much Love,

Rosa Crystal


Twin flames and Love

I have been thinking about the term "twin flames" for a while and I still feel it is an expression of subliminal love. To understand the Twin Flame, we must stretch for deeper understandings of the truth of humanity. All beings on Earth who call themselves “human” are in their greater being “cells” in the heart of the Source. This includes every person on Earth, no matter how he/she is expressing in a body or in this Earth life. As cells in the heart of the Source, we are grand and glorious streams of Light, of consciousness, deliverers of Love.
Being on Earth in bodies is only one adventure we have experienced but we are here purposefully, to return the life streams created on Earth to Love and only Love, the true reality of all life. There is nothing more important for the current transformation on Earth than the opening of every heart to Love. In the past, so many people have been closed to Love. The opening of hearts occurring now is the critical shift which will change our world in the ways that we all desire.
The reason we are drawn to seek our Twin Flame (or SoulMate) is that the Twin Flame IS the other half of the very essence of us, the being with whom we were created in spirit within the Divine Law of Perfection,  at the very Moment of Creation. At the moment of that cosmic change, the desire of the Universe wisdom to give forth the Love that He/She Is created an orgasmic explosion of Love from which we emerged as the multitudinous facets of that Love.

I am meditating on the creation of Heart Activations, openings of the hear chakra centers , in order to welcome and allowing into our Being pure relationships of love and happiness, and to expect these things to happen in our live we need to Belief in them with our Hearts & Souls. 

Within Love,

~Rosa Crystal  


Nature as a Divine reflection of the Whole

We are spiritual beings having an human experience, you probably have read this a lot. We are in fact, connected to the Universal Mind of wisdom . Once we are aligned to our Higher Self we are able to connect to this Universal Mind and see the world through the eyes of the Source. . When we look at something as through seeing it for the first or maybe the last time, we look at it more closely, we appreciate it more, we see the beauty in its shape, the colours are more vibrant and we feel a sense of wonder.
Everywhere I go I love to look around at nature, especially trees i am a tree hugger. I have always liked trees, but now I’m mesmerized by their beauty. Everywhere I go I notice the trees, when I’m driving I send thoughts to the trees and i try to absorb their life force within. I thank them for their beauty and energy that they give to the world, or I’ll just say bless you or namaste to them. I know that my thoughts are energy and the trees can pick up the vibration.  I found my spiritual sight heightened in nature, i can spend hours journaling, meditating or just absorbing life force and see if I can channel a message of the Light. Now in winter, I limit my visits to the forest but I manage to spend time outdoors with my loving trees.  I am attaching a simple youtube i made of my visits to the forest across my street.
I wish you a wonderful and creative weekend , full of joy and bliss.

Within Love,




We are One, we are not separated from one another. A world of separation, a world of differences and bodies, a world of time a space, is a movie that is over. It was always just a movie of separation that could never be real. I can relax now. I can let my mind be healed of all my delusions of separation, minute by minute, day by day. I can forget and make the world real again and again, but it means nothing. No one has lost their innocence. Separation from God, from Love, could never be. I am grateful that this is so.
Within Oneness,



Moon cycles and levels of energy

Dear Arcana Circle of Light Seekers,

Be kind to yourselves. Many of us have been working intensively lately. This is the influence of the moon cycles on this Month. It is a time on earth when the energy is very intense. But we have good news for you, You...r Sun is active and it is bringing new light and catalyzing new growth upon Earth. You will feel this in different ways.

Some of you will feel intense inspiration and a drive to get moving in your lives. Take action when you feel it. Allow this energy to inspire you and carry you forward. Others might feel uninspired and just unmotivated. Wherever you are take a minute to reflect about your situation and what is causing you to feel lethargic or overly driven. The key here is balance.
You are given a fresh start with every breath you breathe, align your thoughts with your passion and everything will unfold in the Divine Perfection. 

I attached one of my grounding meditation youtubes, this is one of my recipes for balancing mind body and spirit, a basic grounding meditation to keep us balance and restore our brain from mental chatter and to centered ourselves.




Serenity Affirmations

The Messages that I have been receiving ulift the Spirit, body and mind. These messages come from a place of Love. The Guardians of the Golden Ray are the embodiment of the Ascended Masters, they guide us out of the limited mind into a shift to the heart of Love, bringing us a world of only Love. Through the Messages, The Golden Ray leads us to a grand perspective in which we open the heart, and every facet of life becomes about Love, a reflection of our beloved Source.
I prepared some Serenity Affirmations after my meditation sessions, many of us are sometimes to busy to slow down and calm our mind. Sometimes the voice of the ego has its own agenda, the planning part, the part of ourselves that want to be in control of every single detail, forgetting that we do not need to try so hard to achieve our heart desires. Everything flows within the Divine Love and if we allow our Higher Self to use its wisdom we will find ourselves in a better place, surrounded by joy and bliss.

I hope you enjoy this Serenity affirmations, i usually listen to this every afternoon, it quiets my mind and relaxes me before going to bed, not to mention all the wonderful dreams I have.
Thanks to all my readers from Croatia.  

Much Love,



Messages from Beings of Light

Dear ones,
There is not a moment when I Am not loving you. Not a single second when I Am not in your heart. Every part of your body, your energy field, your being, every particle of Light and wave of Love you are…every bit of it is receiving endless Love from Me. You are loved so profoundly, so limitlessly that a wellspring of My Love for you is always feeding you. No matter where you turn your focus, whenever you look, whenever you open to feel, here My Love is – totally present and tenderly alive for you.

Within Love,

~Guardians of the Golden Ray through Rosa Crystal



Divine Remembrance

 This is a time of great remembrance. Cellular remembrance, brought forward through the changing vibrational energies of the ethers, through your etheric bodies to filter into the higher chambers of your heart. These energies mingle with your cellular structure, traveling throughout the physical body and finally merging with the same higher vibrational frequencies entering through the Soul Star chakra to the Crown chakra, merging into the Pineal gland. So here is unity of your Heart chakra , keep your thoughts pure and clean since they attract what you want and what you are. Spiritual growth is the process of becoming One with your Divine Remembrance.
PLease subscribe to my new channel NexusShift~

Much Love,

Rosa Crystal


Searching for Happiness

Dear Ones,
I've been reflecting lately on the paradigm shift and how this affect people's emotions and personalities. Many of us are aware of the Awakening moment but few are still connected to the Source of the Divine.
We all want to be happy, but many sabotage themselves or even worse look for reasons to be happy outside themselves. All of us long for happiness. In fact, many wise people have observed that we all do everything we do because we sense or thought of feel or realized at one time that this would make us happy.
Happiness should start within first, nobody is responsible for your wellbeing or happiness but you. All of us long for happiness. In fact, many wise people have observed that we all do everything what we do because we sense or thought of feel or realized at one time that this would make us happy.

To create a life in which happiness is a boundless spring within ourselves is a worthy aspiration.
Be Happy within,

Rosa Crystal

The Paradigm shift

Hi dear Ones,
my favorite meditation spot

I have been meditating a lot about the paradigm shift and its influence in our  energetic frequencies.  I received a message about raising our frequency and connect with Mother Nature even more. We can also raise our energetic levels by doing  a series of exercises, simple healing meditations. I prepared a series of Light Being activations and meditations for this purpose on my Youtube channel (http://www.youtube.com/user/TheNexusshift?feature=mhee)

absorbing rays of Light
 We are going through an intense shift right now ,  but we all have the tools and means to survive it.  Remember to tuned into your real Self, who you really are, this  pure divine source energy, energy is the reason why we are here. We are becoming sensitive and sometimes it is overwhelming to deal with some issues from this physical place, but remember we can do this! We are equiped with the necesary tools to face our fears and self-doubts and outer circunstances. I am there with you , and I want to connect with you and help you during this transition. We are moving into the Golden Age, lots is going on right now at the planetary levels that are affecting people's emotions, careers and relationships.
We are moving forward, this is transitory, we are connected to everything on the cosmos,  and this affect us, sometimes it feels odd,  this has to do with the pressure of life and we are here to to create balance. We are spiritual beings having a human experience not humans beings having an spiritual experience.  We do do and do too much sometimes.
It is beautiful that you have came here to be part of this Golden Age experience.  It is okey to be you !You are an unique expression of the Source. so continue listen to your heart's true desires.
The universe is support you , i am here to support you during your journey. It is time to be courageous and go for what you really want to do in life, but by listening to your heart instead of pushing so much and forcing things to happen.
The time is now. I love you!

Rosa Crystal


My journey and the path of Light

There are many disciplines, beliefs and teachers promising wonders about spirituality and truth. I will start saying that nobody owns the Truth about god/goddesses, we can especulate about it and come to the same conclusion that there are so many mysteries in life that we don't understand.
I almost called my blog "Alchemy of Light" but this word has been taken, used and abused as well..   My decision to create this blog (group) is to connect with many like-minded people. I am glad that I have intuitive abilities and I use them often, I think this is a gift from the Source (God) I shouldn't ignore. I can sense when somebody is honest and who is just playing tricks or trying to manipulate people. But  this blog it is not about me at all, this is about the "Light". I encountered the light when I was 10 years old and I almost died drowning in my granparents' swimming pool. My grandparents's dog , a german shepard saved my life, he jumped into the pool, and grabbed me somehow from my dress. He barked and barked until my family noticed.
Ever since I have very vivid dreams, I see auras, I can sense peoples' energies. I do not claim to be a psychic or medium. I am an intuitve person who happens to connect with the spirit world and channel messages from them. I call it "divine sourcing". I get information that I do not read in books and I am pretty accurate in reading people's energies, even through the computer's screen. I am sharing this with all of you and I am literally getting out of my "closet", this has been hard for me since my background religion is Catholic.  I hope you get to know me better and I want to get to know you as well. I know you are out there, just waiting to share your story with me. This is a safe place to share, I am aware of the ethics and confidentiality attached to my work.
Now i feel much better after disclosing some information about me, thanks for listening, reading and I hope you join me on this adventure call "life".

Rosa Crystal


Arcana Circle of Light

Welcome dear ones to Arcana Circle of Light,

This group name was born during one of my meditations on the crystalline grid. I have been a sound healer and holistic therapist for several years. I feel guided to create a platform where many can share their journeys and learn to decode the language of the light.  I developed a series of crystal grid meditations and transmissions and during the creation of my first YouTube I had a vision of a circle of light beaming powerfully high into the sky. The crystalline grid links all of the crystals in the Earth, this is the purest expression of Gaia,  it crosses major portals  and dimensional doorways that connect the Earth to cosmic forces and other dimensional worlds.  This is a great time of transformation and awakening and I am so glad you are part of the  Nexus Shift.
Thanks for being part of my journey,

Rosa Crystal