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Golden Ray Light awakening

Hi dear Arcana Light Seekers,

You are meant to live in a world of delight, heaven on earth, where every life is in communion with your heart and where you are aware of the life-filled consciousness that is the expression of the Universal intelligence -- yet each filled with a unique aspect of Love.

The communication  is clear if you are listening. Your heart already receives all of it, but your mind filters it out. This you already know – that the little mind has selective observation and tunes out the things it deems unimportant. I got my awakening a decade ago and I tried to filter it out, I got at that time my first light activation with the power of the Luminous beings of Light, I received messages of Love and compassion but I wasn't emotionally ready to handle it. Now after my DNA activation and light surgery  I am ready to carry out the duty to share this abundance of the Universe to All.
You are meant to live in communion with this abundance of living Love that is your world, is your environment, is the expression of your heart and it is meant to be heavenly. You are meant to communicate with the the Golden Ray angels, build with it a deep and powerful friendship that it might gift you with the awareness of the gifts that it has to give, the messages that it contains about how to live with roots deep into the richness of the Earth and branches completely awake to the Spirit.
These gifts are yours if you pay attention, if you open your heart and allow this communion with life. You are meant to experience the message of the Angels written for you across the sky as a sunset, that you might be drenched in inspiration, inspired with all the gifts of an opening vision of life expansion, of limitless possibilities.
This communion with your heart is not simple. It is deep, alive and multi-dimensional, that when you walk this world, you are completely supported in every step, surrounded by Love,  when you receive this gifts do not ignore them or claimed are product of your imagination, because are not.

Dear Seekers,  let every moment be so astoundingly full of Love that you are awed by the treasures of this magnificent life as it is born into your presence so fully alive that it nourishes you with Real life every moment.

Sending you Love & Light,

Rosa Crystal


Multidimensional Beings

Hello Arcana circle of Light Seekers,
I got inspired to talk about Beings of Light and multidimensional beings. I received some emails from some of you asking me for clarification. All beings are multi-dimensional including humans. Our problem is that we have forgotten our multi-dimensional nature and have been disconnected from much of ourselves. There are a abundant variety of multidimensional human beings out there which you will become aware of through awakening within the Divine Love. 
The other kind of multidimensional beings that I refer to are the Beings of Light who are pure, celestial and have never had a human reincarnation of human flesh. From nature spirits to angels to Extraterrestrials to huge beings maintaining the dimensions to the tiny beings in particles, there are beings everywhere, through inner work, faith and Ascension exercises, all of us are able to communicate with these celestial beings or to sense their presence.
          I have been communicating with Beings of the angelic realm for a long time,  my awakening happened a decade ago, life and other circunstances made me rejected it and ignored the messages. Lately the desire to merge and enjoy the union with these Beings have been increased.  I AM finally allowing myself to open my heart and soul to the communication, expansion and awareness that I couldn't before. I AM living a joyful life, and I feel this divine beings as part of my daily life. I usually received information telepathically other times just by knowing, i call it " inner source ".
When communicating with beings in other dimensions it is sometimes a good idea to save the translation for later. While communicating simply use the means available and wait until the end to try to put things into words. Telepathy and inter-dimensional communication is based on feelings. The reason most cannot communicate in this way is that they are not in touch with their feelings. They also communicate with me through automatic writting, i do lots of journaling and writting as well.
I Am please to receive messages from the Divine realms and of course give my guidance to anyone who needs it.

If you are interested in my guidance or just drop me a loving note, please do not hesitate to write to me at:

Much Love,

Rosa Crystal


Twin flames and Love

I have been thinking about the term "twin flames" for a while and I still feel it is an expression of subliminal love. To understand the Twin Flame, we must stretch for deeper understandings of the truth of humanity. All beings on Earth who call themselves “human” are in their greater being “cells” in the heart of the Source. This includes every person on Earth, no matter how he/she is expressing in a body or in this Earth life. As cells in the heart of the Source, we are grand and glorious streams of Light, of consciousness, deliverers of Love.
Being on Earth in bodies is only one adventure we have experienced but we are here purposefully, to return the life streams created on Earth to Love and only Love, the true reality of all life. There is nothing more important for the current transformation on Earth than the opening of every heart to Love. In the past, so many people have been closed to Love. The opening of hearts occurring now is the critical shift which will change our world in the ways that we all desire.
The reason we are drawn to seek our Twin Flame (or SoulMate) is that the Twin Flame IS the other half of the very essence of us, the being with whom we were created in spirit within the Divine Law of Perfection,  at the very Moment of Creation. At the moment of that cosmic change, the desire of the Universe wisdom to give forth the Love that He/She Is created an orgasmic explosion of Love from which we emerged as the multitudinous facets of that Love.

I am meditating on the creation of Heart Activations, openings of the hear chakra centers , in order to welcome and allowing into our Being pure relationships of love and happiness, and to expect these things to happen in our live we need to Belief in them with our Hearts & Souls. 

Within Love,

~Rosa Crystal  


Nature as a Divine reflection of the Whole

We are spiritual beings having an human experience, you probably have read this a lot. We are in fact, connected to the Universal Mind of wisdom . Once we are aligned to our Higher Self we are able to connect to this Universal Mind and see the world through the eyes of the Source. . When we look at something as through seeing it for the first or maybe the last time, we look at it more closely, we appreciate it more, we see the beauty in its shape, the colours are more vibrant and we feel a sense of wonder.
Everywhere I go I love to look around at nature, especially trees i am a tree hugger. I have always liked trees, but now I’m mesmerized by their beauty. Everywhere I go I notice the trees, when I’m driving I send thoughts to the trees and i try to absorb their life force within. I thank them for their beauty and energy that they give to the world, or I’ll just say bless you or namaste to them. I know that my thoughts are energy and the trees can pick up the vibration.  I found my spiritual sight heightened in nature, i can spend hours journaling, meditating or just absorbing life force and see if I can channel a message of the Light. Now in winter, I limit my visits to the forest but I manage to spend time outdoors with my loving trees.  I am attaching a simple youtube i made of my visits to the forest across my street.
I wish you a wonderful and creative weekend , full of joy and bliss.

Within Love,




We are One, we are not separated from one another. A world of separation, a world of differences and bodies, a world of time a space, is a movie that is over. It was always just a movie of separation that could never be real. I can relax now. I can let my mind be healed of all my delusions of separation, minute by minute, day by day. I can forget and make the world real again and again, but it means nothing. No one has lost their innocence. Separation from God, from Love, could never be. I am grateful that this is so.
Within Oneness,



Moon cycles and levels of energy

Dear Arcana Circle of Light Seekers,

Be kind to yourselves. Many of us have been working intensively lately. This is the influence of the moon cycles on this Month. It is a time on earth when the energy is very intense. But we have good news for you, You...r Sun is active and it is bringing new light and catalyzing new growth upon Earth. You will feel this in different ways.

Some of you will feel intense inspiration and a drive to get moving in your lives. Take action when you feel it. Allow this energy to inspire you and carry you forward. Others might feel uninspired and just unmotivated. Wherever you are take a minute to reflect about your situation and what is causing you to feel lethargic or overly driven. The key here is balance.
You are given a fresh start with every breath you breathe, align your thoughts with your passion and everything will unfold in the Divine Perfection. 

I attached one of my grounding meditation youtubes, this is one of my recipes for balancing mind body and spirit, a basic grounding meditation to keep us balance and restore our brain from mental chatter and to centered ourselves.




Serenity Affirmations

The Messages that I have been receiving ulift the Spirit, body and mind. These messages come from a place of Love. The Guardians of the Golden Ray are the embodiment of the Ascended Masters, they guide us out of the limited mind into a shift to the heart of Love, bringing us a world of only Love. Through the Messages, The Golden Ray leads us to a grand perspective in which we open the heart, and every facet of life becomes about Love, a reflection of our beloved Source.
I prepared some Serenity Affirmations after my meditation sessions, many of us are sometimes to busy to slow down and calm our mind. Sometimes the voice of the ego has its own agenda, the planning part, the part of ourselves that want to be in control of every single detail, forgetting that we do not need to try so hard to achieve our heart desires. Everything flows within the Divine Love and if we allow our Higher Self to use its wisdom we will find ourselves in a better place, surrounded by joy and bliss.

I hope you enjoy this Serenity affirmations, i usually listen to this every afternoon, it quiets my mind and relaxes me before going to bed, not to mention all the wonderful dreams I have.
Thanks to all my readers from Croatia.  

Much Love,



Messages from Beings of Light

Dear ones,
There is not a moment when I Am not loving you. Not a single second when I Am not in your heart. Every part of your body, your energy field, your being, every particle of Light and wave of Love you are…every bit of it is receiving endless Love from Me. You are loved so profoundly, so limitlessly that a wellspring of My Love for you is always feeding you. No matter where you turn your focus, whenever you look, whenever you open to feel, here My Love is – totally present and tenderly alive for you.

Within Love,

~Guardians of the Golden Ray through Rosa Crystal
