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Angelic preservation

Dear Arcana circle of Light friends,
I had a wonderful awakening with a being of Light, almost ten years ago. They are working intensively on our dimension to shift perceptions and mentalities into more accepting and loving paradigms. THe burden of having to come to our dense dimension is greater, now more than before, our planet is going through many powerful destructive energies coming from the negative forces of the dark.
We like never before are experiencing many attacks from inside our lands and outside.
We need to work hard to be aware of the light and actually have time for spirituality. The angels are sharing with me that the density of worries and fears are increasing and their job is being limited by other oppositional forces. We need to work on our own enlightenment. Enlightenment of our intellect, that allows us to plan and organize the needs of everyday life. Preserving our vital energy, as it represents the fuel with which our body moves and works, sustaining the soul that animates. With growing a peaceful setting, quiet and calm essential to relax the body and mind, of intense stresses that we are subjected during the drudgery of life, and also because, for the love, since that is the protein that holds all the grandeur and purifies our existence.

Wishing you lots of calm and quiet moments during this transition.
Much love,

Rosa Crystal


A new transitional shift

Dear Arcana Circle of Light friends,

I wanted to share my thoughts about the New paradigm shift. Many speak about 2012 and cataclysms and all sort of natural disasters that might happen by the end of the year. After meditating and gaining more insights about it, I came to the conclusion that this indeed will be a difficult year in terms of finances and economy. But there is hope, we are shifting our mentalities from the previous paradigm and individualistic perspective into a more communal, collaborative perspective. The shift will be in consciousness and awareness of Mother Earth and the resources that are available to all of us.
Many are starting to shift their consciousness from their independent view of society to a more collaborative, in consequence we will see more people working together, creating vegetable and community gardens, holding hands together in order to survive. We will experience a much healthier transition towards the end of 2012, in which society as we have known will experience a shift. This shift will be spontaneous, because more people are aware of the need to be more community oriented.
I hope you enjoy this brief youtube about it.  These are the good news that i wanted to share with you.
Much love,

Rosa Crystal


My DNA Activation and my personal journey

I am proud to share my personal experiences to my soul family. I know that my soul family will  read this without judgement. It is a very personal experience that i have a hard time sharing. But like everything in life, i need to move forward in my soul evolution and share with others to inspire and to create a collective awareness. DNA activations are usually spontaneous incidents that ocurs in very potent Earth centers, and other times could be achieved with the assistance of a seer or mystic. I have been a long time student of metaphysics but most of my knowledge come to me during dreams and during my automatic writing. When I visited Peru in 2002 I had a life changing experience. I went from being a "wild child" to a "free spirit". My being inside out was transformed by the presence of this being of Light that came out of the Mountains in Macchu Picchu. This beautiful energy being has been ever since my spirit guide and protector.  I decided to create this video about my personal DNA activation and light transmission. I go through some personal insights and my bio and how this light activation changed my life. I was embraced by a being of Light and this being gave me some "angelic formulas" of restoration and healing. I will continue sharing more about my personal experience in another video. Thanks!

I wish you a pleasant weekend, love
