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Divine Remembrance

 This is a time of great remembrance. Cellular remembrance, brought forward through the changing vibrational energies of the ethers, through your etheric bodies to filter into the higher chambers of your heart. These energies mingle with your cellular structure, traveling throughout the physical body and finally merging with the same higher vibrational frequencies entering through the Soul Star chakra to the Crown chakra, merging into the Pineal gland. So here is unity of your Heart chakra , keep your thoughts pure and clean since they attract what you want and what you are. Spiritual growth is the process of becoming One with your Divine Remembrance.
PLease subscribe to my new channel NexusShift~

Much Love,

Rosa Crystal


Searching for Happiness

Dear Ones,
I've been reflecting lately on the paradigm shift and how this affect people's emotions and personalities. Many of us are aware of the Awakening moment but few are still connected to the Source of the Divine.
We all want to be happy, but many sabotage themselves or even worse look for reasons to be happy outside themselves. All of us long for happiness. In fact, many wise people have observed that we all do everything we do because we sense or thought of feel or realized at one time that this would make us happy.
Happiness should start within first, nobody is responsible for your wellbeing or happiness but you. All of us long for happiness. In fact, many wise people have observed that we all do everything what we do because we sense or thought of feel or realized at one time that this would make us happy.

To create a life in which happiness is a boundless spring within ourselves is a worthy aspiration.
Be Happy within,

Rosa Crystal

The Paradigm shift

Hi dear Ones,
my favorite meditation spot

I have been meditating a lot about the paradigm shift and its influence in our  energetic frequencies.  I received a message about raising our frequency and connect with Mother Nature even more. We can also raise our energetic levels by doing  a series of exercises, simple healing meditations. I prepared a series of Light Being activations and meditations for this purpose on my Youtube channel (http://www.youtube.com/user/TheNexusshift?feature=mhee)

absorbing rays of Light
 We are going through an intense shift right now ,  but we all have the tools and means to survive it.  Remember to tuned into your real Self, who you really are, this  pure divine source energy, energy is the reason why we are here. We are becoming sensitive and sometimes it is overwhelming to deal with some issues from this physical place, but remember we can do this! We are equiped with the necesary tools to face our fears and self-doubts and outer circunstances. I am there with you , and I want to connect with you and help you during this transition. We are moving into the Golden Age, lots is going on right now at the planetary levels that are affecting people's emotions, careers and relationships.
We are moving forward, this is transitory, we are connected to everything on the cosmos,  and this affect us, sometimes it feels odd,  this has to do with the pressure of life and we are here to to create balance. We are spiritual beings having a human experience not humans beings having an spiritual experience.  We do do and do too much sometimes.
It is beautiful that you have came here to be part of this Golden Age experience.  It is okey to be you !You are an unique expression of the Source. so continue listen to your heart's true desires.
The universe is support you , i am here to support you during your journey. It is time to be courageous and go for what you really want to do in life, but by listening to your heart instead of pushing so much and forcing things to happen.
The time is now. I love you!

Rosa Crystal


My journey and the path of Light

There are many disciplines, beliefs and teachers promising wonders about spirituality and truth. I will start saying that nobody owns the Truth about god/goddesses, we can especulate about it and come to the same conclusion that there are so many mysteries in life that we don't understand.
I almost called my blog "Alchemy of Light" but this word has been taken, used and abused as well..   My decision to create this blog (group) is to connect with many like-minded people. I am glad that I have intuitive abilities and I use them often, I think this is a gift from the Source (God) I shouldn't ignore. I can sense when somebody is honest and who is just playing tricks or trying to manipulate people. But  this blog it is not about me at all, this is about the "Light". I encountered the light when I was 10 years old and I almost died drowning in my granparents' swimming pool. My grandparents's dog , a german shepard saved my life, he jumped into the pool, and grabbed me somehow from my dress. He barked and barked until my family noticed.
Ever since I have very vivid dreams, I see auras, I can sense peoples' energies. I do not claim to be a psychic or medium. I am an intuitve person who happens to connect with the spirit world and channel messages from them. I call it "divine sourcing". I get information that I do not read in books and I am pretty accurate in reading people's energies, even through the computer's screen. I am sharing this with all of you and I am literally getting out of my "closet", this has been hard for me since my background religion is Catholic.  I hope you get to know me better and I want to get to know you as well. I know you are out there, just waiting to share your story with me. This is a safe place to share, I am aware of the ethics and confidentiality attached to my work.
Now i feel much better after disclosing some information about me, thanks for listening, reading and I hope you join me on this adventure call "life".

Rosa Crystal


Arcana Circle of Light

Welcome dear ones to Arcana Circle of Light,

This group name was born during one of my meditations on the crystalline grid. I have been a sound healer and holistic therapist for several years. I feel guided to create a platform where many can share their journeys and learn to decode the language of the light.  I developed a series of crystal grid meditations and transmissions and during the creation of my first YouTube I had a vision of a circle of light beaming powerfully high into the sky. The crystalline grid links all of the crystals in the Earth, this is the purest expression of Gaia,  it crosses major portals  and dimensional doorways that connect the Earth to cosmic forces and other dimensional worlds.  This is a great time of transformation and awakening and I am so glad you are part of the  Nexus Shift.
Thanks for being part of my journey,

Rosa Crystal